Inbuilt Security for your Web Hosting Plan
Your websites defence strategy includes:
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention system
- Anti-spam filtering
- Antivirus and Spyware protection
These and more prevent blended attacks of any sort towards your websites.
We care about your website!
At Web Hosting Services we care for the well being of your website/s and security just as much as you do.We understand that you have invested financially into web hosting for the growth and development of your website/business and we therefore take every possible opportunity to ensure that it is successful.
We do this by fulfilling the support guarantees, having compassion with clients problems and delivering high level support, when it is needed most. It is our job to concentrate on delivering the best web hosting service, just like you do for your own website/business, and this is a responsibility we take seriously.
For more information on any of our services, please feel free to contact us.